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Taking Care of Your Camera

How to Take Care of Your Camera?

By Ananya Tripathi

Chances are that if you have a camera you’ve spent a good deal of your hard-earned money on it. The camera is a delicate piece of machinery that requires extensive care. Luckily for you, we have sorted through many sites and narrowed it down to a few essential tips.
Preserving the lens

When cleaning the lens always use a microfiber cloth and special cleaning fluid. There are special filters available to cover and protect the lens because let’s face it, you would rather have a scratched-up filter than a scratched-up lens.

If your lens acquires scratches it will tarnish your picture quality.

One thing to be careful about is not using normal cleaning liquids to clean the lens as the moisture content in it could damage the lens. Clothes like cotton cleaning rags should also be avoided because even though they appear soft they could cause scratches on the sensitive surface of the lens.

Taking Care of Your Camera
Preserving the camera body

Cleaning the camera is also a tricky job if you’re not careful with it. The tiny groves need to be cleaned with a very soft-bristled brush to prevent scratches. If you’re a photographer who shoots often in extreme climates like a desert, the forest we would recommend cleaning after each shoot to prevent the settling of dust particles in your camera.

An obvious but important piece of advice would be to not keep your camera without its cover bag. In the cover, it is protected from dust, moisture, and even the occasional fall.

Preserving the attachments

Want a little piece of advice? Don’t neglect the attachments your camera comes with. Most cameras come with a detachable flash and a cover piece to protect the flash port. And if you’re like the rest of us chance is you’ve already lost the cover, so it’s better to buy a replacement or clean the port gently after every shoot.

One of the most important elements required for a good shoot is a stable tripod. It is easy to damage a tripod, just like your camera it requires regular maintenance.

You’re still forgetting about one element. Would you like to take a guess? We are talking about the *drum roll* camera strap. Yes, that’s right, you need to make sure that your camera strap isn’t frayed or loose because even the slightest fall could wreck your camera.

In conclusion, a camera is not just an accessory to add to your house. It requires careful maintenance. Special equipment and techniques are vital to maintaining the structural and functional integrity of the camera. Let us know if we didn't mention a tip you use to look after your camera.

Comment and let us know which of these tips will you use in the future.

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Ananya Tripathi

Ananya is a content writer at Zooq Films. She is currently studying Business Administration in NMIMS, Bombay. She has an eye for detail, loves photography, painting, and creative writing. She mostly works on oil paintings and concept artworks. For more work by Ananya, do follow this page.